Umesh Singh

Untitled, 2020,
ink and acrylic
on Indian handmade paper, 14 x 11 inches. |
Untitled, 2020, ink
and acrylic
on Indian handmade paper, 14 x 11 inches. |
Untitled, 2020, ink and
on Indian handmade paper, 14 x 11 inches. |
Untitled, 2020, ink
and acrylic
on Indian handmade paper, 14 x 11 inches. |

Untitled, 2020, ink
and acrylic
on Indian handmade paper, 11 x 14 inches. |
Untitled, 2020, ink
and acrylic
on fabiano,
10 x 14 inches. |
Space for all, 2020,
etching and aquatint
on cotton cloth, 12 x 19.5 inches. |
About the Artworks |
During the lockdown period, for completely two months, I was in complete
isolation, alone in a room in Varanasi somehow managing my food and
survival. With no opportunity to earn I lost my little saving in this
lockdown. By government arrangements, I returned home with nil social
distancing and precautions. In this journey, I travelled with migrant
labourers and poor students like me where all of us were stuffed in busses
and compelled to wait on roads in heat and sun. Later in my quarantine
period, I just prayed for not being infected of the virus and was fortunate
This journey will remain in my mind and soul like a dark spot
forever. Every time I sketched, I have expressed the experiences of this
journey. My recent drawings are all themed over this escapade. They speak of
the present situation which I have seen and personally experienced and I
have expressed it with the medium of the sketching and drawings with the
insufficient stationery
I was left with. On seeing twenty to twenty-five individuals living in the
tiny room I was inspired to draw skeletons figures, compact crowd, folks
walking with luggage on their heads, or mob gathering for ration. I have
portrayed some people wearing masks and some waiting for their main goal,
that is when will they reach their homes. And in this period of despair,
some people were creating violence. In some of the drawings, I have depicted
barn which is vacant with no sign of intervention of humans and I made tools
that look like bones.
personally know many friends and family who permanently migrated to bigger
cities for work as their homes in Bihar are prone to floods and they don’t
have any permanent house to live in the cities now in this lockdown they
have nowhere to go as well as they are all trapped.
About the Artist

Umesh Singh (b.1992)
received his Bachelor's Degree in painting from Banaras Hindu University (2017)
and Master’s Degree in printmaking from S. N. School, University of
Hyderabad (2019). He has been the recipient of Kalasakshi Foundation
Award (2018) and 2019 Tata Trust International Award, Student Biennale, of the Kochi Muziris
Biennale 2019. Singh has participated in several workshops and camps
including, Utsaah Barbil Project (2019); On-site
Workshop and Exhibition FICA, Delhi and Serendipity Foundation (2019);
Inter College Multi-disciplinary Student's Art, Workshop Kala Bhavan,
Santiniketan (2018). His recent exhibitions include, 2019 ‘Call to
Disorder’ FICA & Serendipity Festival (2019); Khoj Peers Share in 2019;
2019 Student Biennale Kochi Muziris Biennale (2018) and Rajya Lalit
Kala Academi Lucknow (2018). Singh is currently based in Kurmuri, Bihar. |