Sabyasachi Battacharjee

https://vimeo.com/456338156 |
still image 1: Far From Home, 2019-20,
digital video, MP4, 02
min 03 sec, edition of 6 + AP. |
still image 2: Far From Home. |


https://vimeo.com/456242212 |
still image
1: Homecoming,
digital video, MP4, 02 min 03 sec, edition of 5 + AP. |
still image 2: Homecoming. |

https://vimeo.com/456238345 |
https://vimeo.com/456338896 |
still image:
Survival Engine,
digital video,
MP4, 20 sec loop, edition of 6 + AP. |
still image: Untitled,
digital video,
MP4, 01 min 58 sec, edition of 6 + AP |
About the Artworks |
Recent developments in my practice have brought me
towards an attempt to understand the motion picture and take it to a
discrete level where motion becomes static and every frame of a motion
picture holds its own identity. In this context, the idea of temporality
and permanence have often been key points of interest in my work.
The spatial mode of narratives enables the development of
a visual format in the moving image form which allows the distribution
of privileges equitably between time and space. The practice of
character design is also an important part of building narratives using
digital animation. The characters in my work are often created
manipulating stock images, taking them apart and combining the parts to
form new wholes that no longer fit into their original context. This
reflects the processes that record, assemble or dissect identity,
including documentation, categorization, surveillance; processes
blurring by force, the thin line between the public and private, fact
and fiction. These dichotomies have become a focal point in several
I frequently use my own body, or it’s image in my work,
using it to act, perform actions, both as myself or as a medium for one
of my fictitious characters. Using my own body as a base for building
the visual aspects of my characters give me a certain space in my work,
enabling me to explore identity in the context of the body, mimicking
behaviour and the mediation of the camera.
Additionally, ideas about the gaze of the lens in any
audio-visual works like traditional films, music videos or even news
reports as well as the manipulation that happens to create images of
constructed reality often come through in my work. I often use
scientific theories to frame arguments about socio-political and
philosophical ideas. For instance, the laws of thermodynamics help me to
articulate the idea of cacophony in a social context. More recently, I
have been investigating food practices to look at the underlying layers
regarding the various form of consumption patterns.
About the Artist |
(b.1994) received his Bachelor's Degree in painting from Government College of Art &
Craft, Agartala (2016),
and MVA Painting from M. S. University of Baroda (2018). He was awarded the
Nasreen Mohamedi Best Display Award in 2018 by his university. Bhattacharjee
has been invited for several residencies that include ACExKBF Residency
Exchange Program 2020 (upcoming) ACE Open, Adelaide; Pepper House Residency
2020, Kochi Biennale Foundation, Kochi (2020); and Khoj Peers 2019. He has
participated in many workshops, including, Proposal Writing Workshop
conducted by Sabih Ahmed, FICA Reading Room (2019); Video Workshop by
Gigimon Scaria (2018); Intermedia Workshop by Ashish Dhola (2018);Body
Workshop by Nikhil Chopra facilitated by HH Art Spaces and Asia Art Archive
(2018). His recent exhibitions include ‘Manifesto For Artists In a Strong
State’ curated by Lea Maria Wittich and Ariijit Bhattacharyya, Der Laden
Trierer, Weimer, Germany (2020); Emabrk Vol II 2019 Gallery Ark, Vadodara,
Gujarat (2019); Art Asia 2018 M.S University Booth, Kintex, Goyang, South
Korea; ‘Random Variables’ curated By Ushmita Sahu, WNDX Festival of Moving
Image, Winnipeg, Canada (2018); ‘Where the mind is without fear’ curated By
Vittoria Bonifatti and Navneed Raman, Jaipur Art Summit, Student Section
(2017); ‘Later the Atelier Ate Her’ curated by Faiza Hasan, Students
Biennale, Kochi Muziris Biennale (2016-17); Bhattacharjee lives and works in