Baiju Parthan, 11th Hour
2010, Archival print (3D rendering and photo compositing), 60 x 180
inches (triptych), Unique |
Baiju Parthan,
2011-2015, Animated 3D Lenticular print,
45 x 135 inches (triptych), edition 1 of 6 |
Gigi Scaria, Hide and
seek, 2020,
Bronze, 58 x 25.5 x 5 inches, edition 1 of 3 +2 AP |
Gigi Scaria, Losing
ground, 2021,
acrylic and automotive paint on canvas,
60 x 60 inches
Gigi Scaria, Clash of
civilization, 2020,
acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 inches |
Gigi Scaria, Into the
world, 2021,
watercolour on paper,
30 x 22.5 inches |
Pooja Iranna,
Reconciliation attempts, 2019,
staple pins, 19 (h) x 16 (L) x 16 (w) inches
Pooja Iranna, Never
ending expansion 1, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 42 inches |
Pooja Iranna, Never
ending expansion 2, 2021,
acrylic on canvas, 48 x 48 inches |
Pooja Iranna,
Unremitting expansion,
2017-2019, mixed media on photographical
work on canvas, 6 x 8 inches (each)
Pooja Iranna, Unremitting
2017-2019, mixed media on photographical
work on canvas, 6 x 8 inches (each) |
Pooja Iranna, Unremitting
2017-2019, mixed media on photographical
work on canvas, 6 x 8 inches (each) |
Ranbir Kaleka, The
2017, archival inks and oil on canvas,
60 x 118 inches |