
Pooja Iranna is known for her elegant
architectural structures which she has been exploring in many mediums and
formats since her early years of career. For someone who grew up in the
metropolitan city of Delhi, witnessing the escalating expansion of buildings
and never ending constructions, they inevitably became her subject of
inquiry. Pooja’s take on this is quite unique and
intriguing. Her cityscapes are completely devoid of human figures. But the
human presence is felt in every inch of the surface.
Pooja’s very early works were mostly watercolours
that depicted architectural spaces. She also started experimenting with
altering the surface of the paper support by way of marking and scratching
that exposed the underside of the paper. These experiments show how Pooja was
exploring the tactile qualities of the material she worked with. Her stint
with digital technology of taking pictures and collaging them and
experimenting with software like Photoshop led to a newer body of works that
included her post-production interventions of reworking on the prints with
pigments and other mediums. This further got expanded to working with
three-dimensional format. Her first solo exhibition ‘Metaphorical
Mathematics’ with The Guild in 2003-04, featured an installation titled
‘Standing Strong’, which was a series of pictures printed and folded up to
make boxes that were a metaphor for the urban developments that started in a
big way. From there on Pooja’s trajectory of
exploring the three-dimensional art making and
installation has expanded into multiple ways and directions.