T.V. Santhosh |
Born in Kerala, T.V. Santhosh obtained his B.F.A in painting from
Santiniketan and Masters in Sculpture from MS University, Vadodara. T V.
Santhosh has acquired a major presence in the Indian and International
art scene over the last decade with several successful shows with many
international art galleries and museums. Santhosh’s recent sculptural
installation from ‘Passage to India’ is in the Frank Cohen collection at
Initial Access. Some of his prominent museum shows are Collectors’
Stage: Asian Contemporary Art from Private Collections, Singapore
Art Museum, Singapore; The Silk Road, New Chinese, Indian and
Middle Eastern Art from The Saatchi Gallery at Tri Postal, Lille,
France; Dark Materials curated by David Thorp, G S K Contemporary
show, at Royal Academy of Arts, London; India Xianzai, MOCA,
Shanghai, China, Passage to India, Part II: New Indian Art from the
Frank Cohen Collection, at Initial Access, Wolverhampton, UK;
Passage to India, Part I: New Indian Art from the Frank Cohen Collection,
at Initial Access, Wolverhampton, UK, Where in the World, Devi
Art Foundation, Delhi, Continuity and Transformation, Museum
show, exhibition promoted by Provincia di Milano Italy, Anupam Poddar
Collection at Daimler Chrysler Contemporary, Berlin, After Shock,
curated by Yasmin Canvin in collaboration with Sainsbury Centre Museum,
Norwich,and Continuity and Transformation, Museum show, Exhibition
promoted by Provincia di Milano Italy.
“The artistic career of TV
Santhosh has been single-mindedly focused, and intensely so, on one,
singular area of human activity, leaving in the public domain a visual
consolidation of his concern. This body of work can be seen as an
attempt to chart ‘the un-making of the world, a pulling apart’ by the
debased and continual effects of dehumanization. Although his paintings
and sculptures are sentient to violence, of lurking danger and the
pervasive surge upon surge of (de-racinated) inquiries, his renditions
remain unapologetic in looking at the open wounds in our failing world.
His quixotic vision of someone from the inside willingly looking further
remains stubbornly unapologetic, pervasively critical, making one
understand the passion and the role of ‘the artist of our time". –
Shaheen Merali
“One of the elements that
instantly captures the critical imagination of the viewer while engaging
with the works of T.V. Santhosh is the meticulous way in which they
transgress the mundane media images into the realm of a critique of
media-culture in general. This character of our global society is one of
the center-points of T.V. Santhosh’s artistic scrutiny. One of the
recurring thematic of T.V. Santhosh’s work can be broadly defined as the
overarching presence of the notion of violence in contemporary societal
life. His works simultaneously engage with the physicality of violence
as well as the notions of violence produced by various statist
The media-driven imageries
thrust to produce the answer of who they ‘really’ are, further
stereotypes certain communities and cultures and endangers the polity in
substantial ways. In this context, T.V. Santhosh’s attempt to critically
scrutinize the media imageries acquires the status of a complex
political positioning. This is not to say that T.V. Santhosh’s
positioning is absolutely devoid of the vulnerability of the
citizen-subject. But this recognition of vulnerability allow us to
further identify that more than violence what constitutes the thematic
of his works are the ways in which the citizen-subjects experience and
perceive these various forms of violence. The genealogy of the
transgressive tactics of T.V. Santhosh displays that images are not a
mere outcome of our ‘pure’ imagination but our imaginations are the
by-product of the image of the ‘real’ constructed through multiple
ideological mediations.” –Santhosh .S
paintings are based on images taken from the
news media which Santhosh renders in
solarised colour schemes, in reference to
photographic negatives. His images of choice
terrorism and violence.
What strikes us immediately about Santhosh is his grasp of the crises of
our globalised present, his taste for translating current events, even
as they unfold, into narratives that are too allegorical to be history,
yet too mutable to be myth. His pattern of selection is determined,
however, by the key themes of war and catastrophe: his is an art
attentive to the specific idioms of contemporary global conflict, to the
diabolical pact between knowledge and terror, the skewed antagonism
between puissant globality and weakened locality. Significantly, the
artist is preoccupied with the distortion of science and technology into
vehicles of terror: the laboratory, as much as the battlefield, is where
the action of his paintings is set; the two venues are often conflated.”
- Ranjit Hoskote
He lives
and works in Mumbai.
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