Prajakta Potnis in Indian Highway IV
Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon, France
February 24 to July 31, 2011

In the form of a road movie across 3 continents (Europe, South America, Asia), each stage along the Indian Highway is the occasion for a totally new episode. After London, Oslo and Herning, Lyon staged the fourth episode on 2000 m2, the exhibition presents a panorama of contemporary art in India and more than 30 artists.

Ayisha Abraham, Ravi Agarwal, Sa
rnath Banerjee, Hemali Bhuta, Nikhil Chopra, Desire Machine Collective, Sheela Gowda, Sakshi Gupta, Shilpa Gupta, Subodh Gupta, N.S. Harsha, Abhishek Hazra, Shanay Jhaveri, Jitish Kallat, Amar Kanwar, Bharti Kher, Bose Krishnamachari, Nalini Malani, Jagannath Panda, Prajakta Potnis, Raqs Media collective (with Debkamal Ganguly, Ruchir Joshi, M. R. Rajan, Priya Sen, Surabhi Sharma (in collaboration with Gautam Singh), Kavita Pai / Hansa Thapliyal and Vipin Vijay for Steps Away from Oblivion), Tejal Shah, Valay Shende, Sudarshan Shetty, Dayanita Singh, Sumakshi Singh, Studio Mumbai + Michael Anastassiades, Kiran Subbaiah, Ashok Sukumaran & Shaina Anand, Thukral & Tagra, Hema Upadhyay.



Still Life


My work dwells between the intimate world of an individual and the world outside which is separated sometimes only by a wall. I would like to look at the wall as a veil and also as an organic separation between the inside and the outside through which imperceptible elements pass and affect the psyche of individuals, after reading about certain crops being genetically engineered, it made me wonder how it would affect, the individual consuming it. How resolutions passed, transgress and enter an individual’s private space. The inside of a refrigerator has always intrigued me, its controlled enclosed environment creates a stage like setting, I wanted to weave a narrative within this setting. Where the viewer becomes a voyeur, witnessing an event happening in the inside of this enclosed space. With the aid of those vegetables that would be genetically modified, I tried to recreate a moment of explosion, a sudden outburst in the inside of the refrigerator.


– Prajakta Potnis


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